Category Archives: Blog

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Day 11

I played video games all day Friday… Then I went out… And it got messy. The buckeyes won. I am miffed at some people for being crazy, then I embarrassed myself per usual. P sure I probs am gonna fuck something pretty good up, but maybe I’m just overly worried.

I’m realizing that, when I’m out of my comfort zone, all my insecurities and defense mechanisms kick into overdrive. Uh. Hey, Toland, how about you not fuck this up?

Day 10

So, today is pretty great. I spent some time yesterday cleaning my condo. My goal is to, over the weekend, install my thermostat, my CO detector, and to clean my kitchen from Christmas Eve cooking. Here’s to hoping!

Day 8

Okay. Work today was worthless. Calls canceled. But I got some trainings done, my self evaluation finished, and set myself up for the next year. Off the next two days, but like… Uh… My desk is still a disaster. 
Also, I bought a Nintendo Switch. This is probably the one thing from my childhood I haven’t let go of – video games. I’m a 31 year old gay man… I spend a lot of time playing these games, and uh… I’m pretty okay with it.

Day 6

Christmas Day. Merry Christmas. Unfortunately, family had cancel the 50 person get together due to some unfortunate pest problems at Grandpa Toland’s. Instead, I’m spending the whole day gaming. This doesn’t suck.

Day 5

Christmas Eve. I’ve eaten too much. I spent too much. Life is good, but if these people don’t let me nap, I’m gonna be very very upset about everything. #SleepScorned

Day 3

I haven’t really been doing much recently. The holidays are here and I’m very excited about all of it. My aunt and uncle are essentially like parents to me, and spending time with them and their daughters, it feels as though this was always how I envisioned family to be.