Category Archives: Blog

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Revised Rules

So, The Intrepid Columnist and I have obviously fell off the wagon with writing. We’ve decided to change the rules a bit.


This allows us to say fuck it some days and still force ourselves to push something out into the world. We’ll see how this goes.

Day Ten

I think that gets to the root of this post – that I don’t know if I’ll ever know how to feel like I belong. It’s a struggle I’ve had all my life. I’ve struggled integrating myself into friend situations, professional in-person networking, familial situations. While I showcase that I’m rather gregarious and outgoing, that’s typically just a ruse I place I’ve managed to perfect over the years.

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Day Nine

Sitting at home, and Peaches is sitting next to me. Going to go get some tacos later with a good friend. You guys, Mexican food is the greatest, and I can’t express how much I love nachos. Seriously. I cannot express to you how much I love nachos. Here’s a list of ingredient to make the perfect Nachos:

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Day Five

Do you know the feeling when you’re reading a good book, but you’re really tired, and you’re just waiting to finish the last few pages of the chapter, or to just finish the book? That feeling of anticipation, but also exhaustion, where you’re close to the finish line, and you just need to be done?

For the past year and seven months of my life, I have felt this feeling with my grandfather’s estate. The problem is that this was nothing like a book. It held more gravity. It had higher stakes. It had drama. It had all the makings of a work of fiction, with conflict among family, strife of someone who barely knows what they were doing, and at least one minor character meltdown.

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Day Four

Election Day. For some reason, this day holds a rather sacrosanct, and when people don’t vote, I kind of lose my mind. This is YOUR democracy, and I often hear that it doesn’t matter about voter participation; however, that’s precisely what people want you to think. It’s easier to manipulate, in my opinion, 30-40% of the masses to your particular ideas, rather than 51%. Now, you only need truly convince a majority of 30-40% of the population.

The greatest part about America is that everyone gets one vote. (Don’t talk to me about voter fraud. Work an election as a poll worker, then talk to me about voter fraud.) The billionaire holds the same weight as the pauper, and if he is crooked, he will convince you an idea will benefit you – it won’t. Imagine if all the poor people in this country voted in direct contradiction to their rich overlords. That’s a beautiful thing. Let’s get more of that, and work together.