Day Two

I wasn’t certain what to write about for day 2, but I figured one thing that I could discuss is the close of my grandfather’s estate. This took up a rather large part of the past year and a half of my life – involving a lot of waiting and paperwork. I’m happy to say that it is finally closed, after starting on 4/9/2016, as of 11/1/2017 – almost a year and 7 months later.

The entire experience has caused me to separate myself from my maternal family more than I ever had, and while many think this is sad, in many ways, this was the best thing I could do for my own sanity. The notion that family is important has never truly resonated with me, but societal pressure of devotion and loyalty to family still persists and weighs on me. Luckily, my grandfather raised me to be independent and think for myself. It causes friction, but I’m happy with who I am. I’m happy with who I’m becoming.

This, all to say, I’m happy.